Which name would you say is the most suitable for my pop-punk music magazine?

Thursday 14 November 2013


Leather jacket

T shirt

Skinny jeans


I have chosen these clothes because I think they best represent what the readers will wear and it is what you expect to see a pop-punk band member to wear.

These are what I want my models to look like because they have a rough look about them but are very stylish and look confident.

Leather jacket

Band T-shirt

Skinny jeans

black boots

I have picked these clothes because they are the types of clothes that a pop punk reader will wear if they are female and it is what you expect to see a band member to wear if they were in a pop punk band.

These are what I want my models to look like because they have the same style I want for my magazine, they are confident and are a good representation of the pop punk scene.

I changed what my models will look like and I decided there would be no women on my magazine cover, contents or dps.
The new style of my male model would be:

Checked Shirt

T-shirt underneath


Vans shoes

The model will also have a beard and possibly tattoos because this what people that are pop-punk musicians often look like.

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